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Organic Goji Powder

Organic goji powder is made of organic goji berries. It is a convenient and concentrated form of this incredible superfood. Goji berries are also known als wolfberries and they are considered a superfood. If you’re looking for an easy way to have all the benefits of goji berries then our goji powder is definitely something to consider. Just mix it with water and you have your own goji juice within seconds!

How to use Organic Goji Powder

Organic goji powder can be mixed with water to make goji juice. Just add 1 tablespoon of goji powder to about 250ml of water and stir until dissolved. You can also blend goji powder with other fruits and make a smoothie and juices out of it.

Our goji berry powder is non-GMO. We also offer dried goji berries.

Buy Organic Goji Powder

Are you interested in buying organic goji berry powder? We offer organic goji berry powder in bulk, private label and our own NutriBoost label. Please get in touch with us for more details about ordering organic goji berry powder.

Organic Goji Powder recipes

This will be available soon.

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