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Parameter Description
Botanical name Anacardium occidentale  L.
Packaging size 22.68 Kilogram
Minimum order quantity 20 Kilogram
Origin Burkina Faso, India, Vietnam
Appearance Solid Nuts
Availability Bulk, Private Label
Quality Organic and Conventional
Shelf life 24 months
Serving size ¼ cup
Category Nuts




Product Description

Cashew or Anacardium occidentale  L. belongs to the family of Anacardiaceous. This family includes around 400 species and 60 genera. Pistachio or Pistacia Vera L. and Mango or Mangifera indica  L. also belong to this family. Trees of cashew are considered evergreen and can grow very quickly up to 20m. But their average height is around 8 to 12 meters.

Origin of Cashew W320

Cashew or cashew nuts are used all around the world in many dishes. The origin of cashew nuts lies in Northeast Brazil. The Portuguese introduced this nut to the Portuguese colonies in Africa such as Mozambique and India during the 16th century. Cashew trees spread widely all over Southeast Asia from India. The primary regions for the cultivation of cashew are Côte d’Ivoire, Vietnam, India, Benin, Guinea-Bissau, Tanzania, Brazil, and some other countries of West and East-Central Africa and Southeast Asia. They are also being planted in Australia and South Africa. According to the report, the total production of cashew in the world is between 470,000 and 580,000 metric tons annually. India is in the first place with the production of 150,000-190,000 metric tons annually. Respectively, Côte d’Ivoire and Vietnam with 70,000-95,000 metric tons, both are on the second, and Brazil is on the third with 40,000-60,000 metric tons per year.     Cashew nuts come in a lot of types that are being exported. It is divided into four categories.

  1. W210: It is considered a premium type of cashew exported by exporters.  There are 210 kernels in 1 pound. Their packaging is of high quality that makes them contaminants free.
  2. W240: These are the second category cashew nuts available in standard packaging and customised packaging solutions.
  3. W320: If we talk about the quality, it is rated as the highest quality and most used cashew nut by the exporters. Moreover, their prices are also very reasonable. The name it has W320 stands for 320 cashew kernels per pound (= about 0,45 kg).
  4. W450: This type of cashews are smaller in size and popular among people after W320.

They are consumed widely in India and the world because of their low rates.

How to use Cashew W320

People used these cashews for centuries as a snack. Cashews are also very popular in Asia and the main ingredient in sweets and cooking. They are the main ingredient in cookies, ice creams, and chocolates. Nowadays, cashew milk has also become very much popular to use instead of using lactose-free milk.

Cashew W320 Wholesale

NutriBoost is a cashew w320 wholesale company and that’s why companies love to work with us. Small order volumes, great pricing and availability. We supply leading brands and other importers by supplying high quality products.


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